Moss, trees, fallen leaves, bright berries–all dance to the silent pulse of nature.

I offer nature constellations four times/year on the quarter turns: Schedule

Nature and Systemic Constellations

In a family constellation we look at a family system for healing. In a nature constellation we are looking at a system in nature and our human relationship(s) with it — for learning, visioning, healing, and harmonizing. In a nature constellation, instead of representing family members, you have a chance to represent an aspect of Nature like a tree, a bee, or a hummingbird. Nature constellations offer us ways to:

  • listen to Mother Nature’s messages
  • discover our place in helping prevent environmental destruction and slowing climate change
  • understand and harmonize our relationships with nature’s expressions
  • ground in the Earth, our home

With nature constellations, we choose representatives for aspects of life in relation to ourselves — on the level of home, with pets or your garden, or on a wider scale we might constellate around the health of a local eco-system.

I am deeply grateful for our constellation yesterday. I learned something very precious about eldership. As one of the representatives for Collective Tree Medicine, I became a conduit for the ancient trees like the one outside my apartment that has stood for probably hundreds of years through wars, famine, the theft of indigenous lands, the urbanization of this territory, and so much more. From a deep source of wisdom came the words I found myself speaking about our tree medicine being love and about our wound also belonging to the humans. Thank you Olivia and blessings to you all on the healing work we are doing for the benefit of all beings. — M.L. Nature Constellation Circle participant

To give you an idea of what’s possible, here are some more examples. You could set a nature constellation to:

  • learn about your relationship with your garden, what you give to each other, and what your garden might want from you
  • help animals in your care come into greater health
  • explore climate and environmental loss, grief, or helplessness in community
  • understand how to focus your environmental activism most powerfully
  • come into healthy relationship with any aspect of nature you feel passionate about

Systemic Constellations

Systemic constellations refers to the idea that we can set a constellation for any system with which we are truly engaged (including family, workplace, culture, community, or nature). Please do bring whatever topic you feel most passionate about to my Constellation Circle. New to constellations? I explain all about constellations on the Family Constellation Circles page, including an in-depth Constellations FAQ.

How to Listen to Nature

Before I lead any kind of constellation, I like to take a nature walk. While I walk, it’s like a meditation, as I drop my normal thought cloud and open to the sweet, silent messages from all the nature beings. I am grateful for their guidance and inspiration for my Constellation Circles.

Yesterday’s constellation gave me a clear and powerful teaching about where our collective heart receives its wisdom. —A.R. Nature Constellation Circle participant

Take a Nature Walk before any kind of constellation. It’s a lovely way to open to unseen ways of knowing… Suggestions for your walk:

  • The Call. Choose a place to walk and commune with nature. Depending on your tradition, you may also ask permission to enter the space or, as I do, just be open to the call.
  • Intention/Question. You can start out with a specific question or see what arises as you walk.
  • Solo. This is your nature walk and if you run into passersby, no need to engage. Staying in silence will help you to tune into the vibration and communication style of nature’s expressions.
  • Slow. Walk slowly, listen to your body and see where it wants to move.
  • Sense. Allow yourself to meander and sense with all your senses.
  • Openness. Be open to whatever nature spirits draw you. Earth, wind, sky, trees, moss, mushrooms… You may also receive a message from your ancestors while you walk.
  • Offering. Depending on your tradition and practices, you may wish to bring an offering (actual or from the heart).
  • Receiving. Practicing relaxed humility and gratitude helps to receive—even the unexpected.
  • Harvest thanks. Give thanks for what you have harvested, even if you don’t yet know what it is, with a bow or an internal acknowledgement.

I look forward to seeing you in circle.