Web of Life and Proposed TransMountain Pipeline Expansion Nature Constellation

I facilitated a Nature Constellation in a private backyard about the proposed TransMountain Pipeline Expansion from the Alberta Tar Sands through Burnaby, BC and into the Burrard Inlet. We witnessed the polarizing energy between the two sides escalating until Forces for the Pipeline Expansion connected with the Mystery and Web of Life. On one level it was a small movement and on another level it seemed to change everything.

I was awed once again by the field of awareness we shared and by how simply the key difficulties emerged to be held and moved forward. Here is a fuller description of the main movement with thanks to the group and especially to the Tsleil-waututh woman who brought the constellation, for encouraging me to share it.

A Tsleil-waututh woman asked to set a constellation on the proposed TransMountain pipeline expansion that would go through her and her people’s traditional, ancestral, unceded territory as well as affect all of us living here. She told us her people’s traditional role is to protect the inlet and that’s what they’re trying to do. She asked for protection for her people from backlash and for protection of the web of life.

I asked her to represent Web of Life and she chose and placed three representatives we agreed on:
• Tsleil-waututh people at one end of the yard
• Corporate and Government Forces for the Pipeline Expansion at the other end, facing each other
• Activists behind and near Tsleil-waututh

She then found her place in the constellation representing Web of Life, to one side on the end near Tsleil-waututh and Activists.

Facing the Forces for the Pipeline Expansion across the yard, Tsleil-waututh felt flowing and grounded. We could see it in the representative’s movement and words.
Forces for the Pipeline Expansion said, “I am rooted and tall, taller than Tsleil-waututh and Activists… but not taller than the Web of Life.”

With that statement, the polarized energy was clear indeed. As the confrontation from Tsleil-waututh and the Activists intensified, Pipeline Expansion’s feet started to burn and there was heaviness in its chest. It said it felt misunderstood and sat down in a chair, still facing Tsleil-waututh and Activists.
The rest of the participants had chosen to witness. When I needed to add an element to the constellation I used an object instead of asking a person.

I felt a strong sense to give Web of Life support and freedom to move. I took a chair, placed it behind Web of Life and said, “this is a representative for Cosmos.” I invited all the representatives to notice if they felt to move, without speaking. Web of Life moved a little.

Tsleil-waututh spoke powerfully about the protection of life. Pipeline Expansion continued to feel misunderstood and didn’t move at all. The polarizing energy was rising.

After a few minutes, I had a strong feeling to add another representative. I took my ceremonial rectangular cloth bag and placed it in the centre of the space between them, with the words, “this is a representative for Death.”

Pipeline Expansion visibly startled and looked at Death. Again I invited the representatives to move in silence in tune with their own inner sense. Tsleil-waututh moved forward slightly with Activists staying near. Pipeline Expansion’s feet had cooled, yet the two sides continued volleying their positions back and forth.

As the facilitator I felt drawn to the mystery behind Pipeline Expansion. I picked up a purple water bottle, placed it behind Pipeline Expansion’s right shoulder and said, “this is a representative for the Mystery”. For the third time I invited the representatives to sense and move if they felt so called.

Pipeline Expansion gradually turned in the chair towards the Mystery. Meanwhile Web of Life moved lightly to the other side of the yard, staying on the side but now near Pipeline Expansion. Web of Life said, “I was curious about the Forces for the Pipeline Expansion looking at the Mystery,” and described how the regular people of those Forces go out on their boats to connect with the goodness of nature.

Pipeline Expansion’s face softened and now had a hint of humility. It described connecting to the Mystery. I asked Pipeline Expansion to thank the Web of Life for the connection, which after a slight hesitation, it did.

Web of Life nodded in acceptance of the thanks. The energy shifted. During the Constellation up to that point I had, as the facilitator, been in a field of stillness. At that moment I felt a strong releasing energy pass through my body. I was deeply moved by Web of Life’s delicate contact with the Forces for the Pipeline Expansion.

With agreement from the representatives, I called the constellation complete and we ended it there. I said we had done a good, small step and there was more to come. Everyone stepped out of role, I led a guided meditation to complete the releasing of roles and we debriefed.

The Tsleil-waututh woman who had brought the constellation said there was a real shift but didn’t know when we would notice it in the world. Twelve days later on August 30, 2018 a Federal Court quashed the proposed TransMountain Pipeline expansion approval for failure to meaningfully consult with First Nations and for failure to do a proper environmental review. The Tsleil-waututh Nation were the lead litigants in the successful court challenge. Perhaps the constellation we did gave us a glimpse into the fundamental themes to watch and the pattern of possible shifts that can occur as this very difficult issue unfolds here in Canada. To me this is the wonder and importance of doing Constellation Work together in community.

Schedule of Constellation Offerings