Category Archive: Family Constellations

Experience Alive Consciousness with Nature Constellations

holding nature and planet earth in our hands

I’m aware of inhabiting two kinds of consciousness. During the pandemic, being on screen a lot more than in person, I’m calling one of these “screen consciousness”. You know that buzz in your brain from too much information? That’s screen consciousness to the max. With screen consciousness, I’m barely aware of sensation (unless my eyes […]

Restoring Love’s Flow in a Family Constellation

Face transforming

To preserve anonymity, I’ve written this simplified account of a family constellation, as a composite of similar family constellations I’ve facilitated.  The Problem: Children being Pulled to Parents A young woman “Sarah” asks to do a family constellation because she feels perpetually isolated, alone, and disconnected from others. She wants to have more clarity about […]

Addressing White Silence: An Online Constellation

Young Black women holding BLM placard

In June 2020, shortly after the murder of George Floyd, amidst a revitalization of the Black Lives Matter movement, I offered an online constellation on cultural conditioning. The group, which was all white, collectively chose to look at our white racism and white silence. Oppressed Black People (of US and Australia) stood outside the circle, […]

Web of Life and Proposed TransMountain Pipeline Expansion Nature Constellation

Men working on oil pipeline in natural setting

I facilitated a Nature Constellation in a private backyard about the proposed TransMountain Pipeline Expansion from the Alberta Tar Sands through Burnaby, BC and into the Burrard Inlet. We witnessed the polarizing energy between the two sides escalating until Forces for the Pipeline Expansion connected with the Mystery and Web of Life. On one level […]

Cultural Healing Constellation for Syria

Two men pulling a rope away from each other - one is Sunni, the other Shia

A man was very concerned about the Syria situation, both the fighting and refugee crisis, and wanted to set a constellation for cultural healing. It was August 2016 and we were at a meditation and inquiry retreat near San Francisco. Initially I hesitated because none of us has a direct connection to the Middle East. […]